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Growing the Sunshine Coast Music Industry by fostering opportunity for musicians

& allied industry, and developing the visibility of our unique musical ecosystem.


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Tay Oskee & Brooke St. at Solbar, photo by Nathan Hughes Media

Our Collective

The Sunshine Coast is richer with music. Our music industry provides inspiration, education, and opportunity for those who actively participate within it. Music is an important cultural experience that attracts and retains a broader Sunshine Coast workforce and community.

Sunshine Coast Music Industry Collective (SCMIC) identifies the benefits that can make our coast ever richer.


1 in 41 people on the Sunshine Coast identify as being involved in the Music Industry. If this is you, SCMIC would love you to join to help us build a thriving Sunshine Coast music ecosystem.

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KarLou at Kings Beach Tavern Photo by Green Room Photography

The Dreggs, SCMIC launch at 'The Night Quarter' Photo by

Local Picks

top 10 weekly hits supplied by 'Locals in the Loop'

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